Paul Stonier

It was only a matter of time

I don’t think anything has been discussed so much among so many venues of the design world. I remember back in October when I heard about the Pepsi re-branding in progress from the brilliant Maury Postal of Carrot Creative. I replied, hoping it was a joke. Obviously, now we all know that it was far from a joke. Personally, it’s grown on me slightly. It’s gone from the point of disgust and hatred to simply a near disinterest. However, it’s hard to find a design blog that hasn’t mentioned it. From the several posts on Armin Vit’s Brand New to even the Typophile Forums to the most recent episode of The Reflex Blue Show. It has even branched to outside the design community. It has become part of discussions with my family in which I don’t even bring it up. It has certainly become remarkable, but when just the word Pepsi become so iconic, at what level does the packaging weigh on the brand? I’d think that if Kleenex did a major re-branding, it probably wouldn’t be welcomed with open arms either. Does this make it the right move? Certainly, it produces a large amount of discussion about it. Therefore, at least it’s not boring, but does it make it a good thing?

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