Paul Stonier

Seth Godin: Typography and Cultural Expectations

Typography in your work isn’t for you. It doesn’t matter if you like it. It doesn’t matter if the committee likes it. After legibility, all that matters is what the recipient is reminded of. (And yes, it’s fine if the typography reminds your viewer of nothing at all, at least if your goal is to create the awe of the totally new).

If you use the standard Microsoft font in your Powerpoint presentation, it might be common, but it won’t be powerful. If you use Comic Sans, it won’t be common, but it won’t be powerful either.

It’s a bit like wearing a dark blue suit to a meeting with a banker. You can wear something else, sure, but make sure you want it to be noticed, because it will be.

via Seth’s Blog: Remind you of anything? Simple typography for non-professionals

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